“IronCAD is going to open up the industrial design community, where parametric modeling has never really done the job.”

– Doug Smith, Hambrecht and Quist

Triballhead.gif (1372 bytes)

triball.gif (11199 bytes)

The patented TriBall® is a remarkably intuitive graphical tool for precise positioning of any object by rotation, orientation, ot complex 3D transformation. Shown here, geometry is positioned by orientation to any point on the part.

"TRIBALL...The most useful tool in the history of CAD." - CAE Magazine

"The TriBall is to 3D, like the mouse is to the desktop. It changes the way you use 3D space. With the new TriBall, I positioned an assembly with numerous parts in 4 minutes, that would have taken 45 minutes without it." - Eric Serdahl, President, Touchstone Systems

Drag and Drop Design Flow Architecture Visual Product Development Hyper-operability Intellishapes SmartSnap

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